Thursday, December 3, 2009

My dog's gone.

Yeah. Gone. I put her in my room so she'd stop freaking me out by staring at the door. I went to my room to get some sleep, because I had to get my mind off all this, and she wasn't there. I searched around the house and still couldn't find her. I have this uneasy feeling. Like... I don't know. I can't explain it. I doubt I'm going to be able to sleep tonight, though. With this combination of worry and fear, sleep tonight just isn't happening. If anyone has any questions for me, just leave a comment or something. Honestly, I'll be here all night.


  1. oh my god

    keep that camera handy
    you might need it

    how long was she in the room though?
    was she making noise and then suddenly stopped, or...?

  2. Camera hasn't left my side sinze I noticed she was gone. She was quiet the whole time. When I put her in my room, she curled up in the bed I have set up for her and went to sleep. I haven't noticed anything strange all night, though I was too busy reading up on all this stuff to be too aware of my surroundings. There's no trace of her, which is odd... It's like she just disappeared.

  3. She knew. And knowledge leads to darkness.

  4. so then it took her
    please tell me she's not going to show up on the front lawn in the morning


  5. I sure hope not. That'd just... I don't even want to think about that. For now, I think I'm going to try and get some sleep. This is just too much... I need to get my mind off this.

  6. stay safe, have a nice sleep.
    and remember to not look into his face if you feel him there, according to things the watcher has said.
