"This afternoon at Morningside Daycare, three children went missing. Reports say that the children seem to have disappeared, leaving no trace of themselves behind. Upon further investigation and interrogation of the children, one child, Darrick Larkland, saw what happened. He is reported as saying "I saw the tall man. He told us to come with him. I ran away, but he took everyone else..." Darrick then threw a fit and couldn't be calmed down for nearly an hour."
The rest of the article was unimportant.
I tracked down Darrick Larkland. This all happened 26 years ago, so I wasn't sure what to expect. He lives rather close, so I decided to just run over there and pay him a visit.
I get there are around 4 pm (it being almost 11 now) and knock on his door. Before the door opens, you hear about seven locks unlocking. After a bout of shouting, a calm him down and he invites me in. I come right out and ask him about the incident 26 years ago. He's silent for about five minutes before telling me he can't remember a thing about what happened then. I push him for more information, asking him if he can remember anything at all, especially about the tall man. All of a sudden he just snaps. He starts yelling at me to get out of his house and, not wanting to start some sort of fight, I do. But not before taking a quick look around his house.
The man has six cameras on a table. He has the whole place under surveillance.
Now we get to the... interesting part. I must have been there longer than I thought, because once I got outside, it was dark. I start walking down the path and... he's there... He wasn't moving, and I wasn't sure if he saw me, so I took a picture...

It seemed like as soon as I got the picture he was... closer... I start running in the other direction. Tried to escape. I looked back, and... He was gone. I kept running down the path and saw him in front of me again.

I started running the other way. I took a quick look behind me and slipped. My phone fell out of my pocket and apparently took a picture.

I got up and started running as fast as I could. I got home a little while ago. I need to do something about all this.
There's no escape now, he has you. You can only delay the inevitable. If there was anything I could do, I would. But still, I know too little.
ReplyDeletePerhaps, soon, I could actually do something to help. But I fear it will be too late.