Thursday, February 18, 2010

Okay, I finally have all this straightened out. Took a while for it all to solidify.

So, as you all know, I went to meet thetreeswatch. At first, I wasn't sure if he was going to show up. I waited in the spot (the same spot Isaac and I saw the man in white) for about twenty minutes. I was about to leave when I heard a voice behind me. I turned around... and saw a face in the trees. I almost freaked out because I thought he was just a face. I looked harder and saw that he did, in face, have a body. Before I could get any closer, he spoke.

His voice was so calming. I felt like all my worries were being washed away. He told me to relax. That I was safe. And he continued by telling me what was happening.

Now... here's where it gets weird. As... far as I understand it, there's a... demon or... something of the like going around... turning people into... basically a mirror image of itself. But not only do these people look like it... They act like it too. Going around doing the same thing the original does. Like a disease of some sort.

I started to wonder how he knew all this, but, as if reading my mind, he stepped forward and gave me the answer.

Thetreeswatch is one of these... Slender men. Not fully, but... He's on his way there. His body was tall and skinny. But his face... his face was normal. I could see some signs of changing. As if... As if it was eating him from the feet up. I tried to run, but... I couldn't. I was stuck to that spot. He went on.

He told me that it was him that I saw on that first night. He was the one watching me, as I was watching him. Apparently he's been around longer than that, watching and protecting me. He wouldn't... tell me why this thing is after me. What I did to antagonize it. He told me all the answers would become apparent over time. And with that... He left. Leaving me with more questions than answers.

Isaac's still been studying. It's been interfering with his schoolwork, not to mention his sleep and eating. He seems really dedicated...



  1. Ooo. Buddy, you're on the fast track to becoming a slender man. On a happy note, you'll be able to dunk a basketball with ease.

  2. Wow. At least you are still safe for now, though. Good luck with everything.
