Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Left Town

My sister went missing a few weeks ago. I went back home to my folks, which is why I've been gone for a while. The funeral was last week, and I got home last night. Was going to update explaining what happened, but I was too tired.

Saw him again last night on my way home. I was driving through a parking lot. Shortcut home. I didn't wanna take the time to stop and just whipped out my camera while driving, which kinda lead to a blurry pic. But I got one.

Like I said, it's pretty blurry. Not to mention it was foggy that night.
Either that or I'm getting really paranoid...

Still haven't had time to scan the legend. It's funny, it seems like Isaac doesn't even notice it's missing.

Speaking of Isaac, there's not much to update with him except for the fact that we've been talking about "Slender Man" occasionally. No new information as of yet, but I'm thinking about telling him that I'm seeing Slender Man. Might even show him the blog.

thetreeswatch doesn't seem to have updated lately, either. Which is strange. Though he is some cryptic guy on the internet, so I doubt he'd follow any specific schedule.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Interesting Information

I talked to Isaac today. I'm glad I was in the right state of mind to write down what we were saing or it'd probably be gone from my memory already.

Me: So... Isaac, I noticed you have a lot of papers on that board over there. Mind telling me what that's about?

Isaac: It's for my honours project. I'm majoring in creation mythology.

Me: Oh, that's pretty cool. I've been doing an essay on urban legends lately... It's kiiinda the same. (At this point I remember that I laughed somewhat nervously). So uh, what's that one about? (I pointed to the paper with the legend on it).

Isaac: That's an interesting one to pick out right away, actually. It's probably closer to an urban legend than most of these are, because it wasn't really created by any particular religion or belief system, but was developed almost to be a legend.

Me: I guess I just have an eye for urban legends. So where does it originate? Around here? Or from somewhere else?

Isaac: See. that's what I've been trying to figure out for the past several months. It has strong influences from all over the world. It has no well defined good or evil, which is common in much Asian mythology, but the blatant two absolutes is very western in ideology. The fact that there is no real end is a tilt towards Asia again in the form of Hinduism, but it has no elemental tie-ins like much Asian mythos. It's almost as if it was created simultaneously around the world...

Me: Hm... Interesting. Well, can you explain to me what the legend is about?

Isaac: Well, it can be taken to mean a few things. there is a theory that it's a metaphor for the crusades. Another that it's an antecedent for the endless battle between light and dark. A third group thinks it was simply made to explain night and day to some primitive people, but that seems too simple to me... But... Well, it's probably one of them, or maybe another someone hasn't considered yet. I'm sure someone will figure it out eventually.

Me: Do you have any personal opinions on it? Or just what others think of it?

Isaac: Well... I do, but it's stupid and you wouldn't believe it.

Me: You've got me interested enough to hear this. Go on.

Isaac: Well... I think it should be taken literally. I think all these myths that I've collected link to that one and taken off on that one, the uber old one in German? It's an old story about a giant who defends his forest and preys on children. The internet has really taken off on that one, adding more and more to it. A similar thing has happened to the rest over the millennia. It tells itself, all about a tall man, in various shapes and forms.

Me: Hm... I think I've heard of this. They call it the Slender Man, right? What do you know about that? How do you think it's related to the legend?

Isaac: Ehhh... I dunno yet. But for now, I've gotta go for a walk. Helps me think. If you find anything about all this, leave it on my desk.

Me: Yeah, sure. I've be happy to help. I guess I'll talk to you later.

After that, rushed out, leaving a few papers behind. One of them is the legend. Like I said, it's in German. Looks to me like... some form of Elder Futhark. I'll scan it when I get the chance.

Adding on to that, I saw Him again. The visits seem to be getting more and more frequent. I try to take a picture of Him every time, but my battery is always dead, even when I had just put new ones in. Starting to think that it has something to do with him, and I'd like to investigate further. But for now, I need to get some sleep.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


See him for what he truly is, what he become, who he would be, why, how, when, where, run.
Wants to be, will want to be, could want to be, could be, different halves, same coin.
Not human, but human, subhuman, metahuman, nonhuman.
For who truly watches the watchers? But is he truly a watcher, or does he lead the play?
It has made ti to the puppet theater, the audience left on baited breaths, waiting, watching, waiting. Not him, close, but not him.
Tell him.
But remember the key.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm staying.

For now, anyways. Out of curiosity and necessity if nothing else. If what you guys said was true, and this "Der Grobman" is actually Slender Man, then Isaac knows something. I'm going to ask him about it tomorrow, if I get the chance. I'm also staying because I really have no place else to go. He was pretty much my last resort. My family is a whole province away, and I can't go there because I still have school to worry about. So I'm stuck with Isaac for now.

But rest assured if I find out he's on the wrong side, I'll get all the info I can and go back to my own place. It'd be better than staying with him.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Staring Back

He does not tire, he does not sleep.
Do not let yourself be caught unaware.
All is not as you feel it.
There are others, waiting, watching.
Look into the trees, see the wind through the branches.
See his gaze, staring back.
They come for us. For you. For us.

He is near.

Save ourselves? There is no turningback.
Once he has seen you- he knows.
RUN. Go now, and never stop, NEVER.
Those who shelter not always seek to save.


Monday, December 7, 2009

No sign of Him.

Nothing has happened all day. Maybe the move threw Him off? I don't know. The pictures seem to watch me, even when He isn't here, but things have been pretty calm today. I gotta tell you, though. Isaac is into some weird shit.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day off. Didn't help.

I took your guys's advice. I'm staying at my friend Isaac's house. He's not that close of a friend, but he's the only one that would take me in. I haven't seen Slender Man in a while, so maybe he just... left. Not getting my hopes up though.

Friday, December 4, 2009

A question.

This has been bugging me for a while now. thetreeswatch told me to trust no one but him. He seems like he knows what's going on, but do you really think I should trust him? I've been thinking about it for hours with no results. I was thinking you guys might be able to help me out here.

Seems I can't escape.

So, work was a bit more unsettling than I thought it would be. There's a whiteboard in the kitchen (I work at a restaurant). This was written on it.

I don't know what to make of this. I saw a similar message on the wall in my room... I must have missed it last night. I'll post a picture of it when I can. Camera battery is dead.

Didn't think about it.

Guess I won't be able to hole myself up in my house. Forgot that I had work tonight. I'll be leaving in about an hour. I haven't noticed anything weird around here today, except for... Well, yeah. I haven't seen him since... Since two nights ago, I think it was. Jeez, it's only been a few days and I'm already losing track of time. If I see anything, I'll let you guys know when I get back. I'm bringing my camera with me.

Found her.

I found her... She was... in the oven. This... This isn't right. What have I gotten myself into by taking this... this things picture? I've gotta find out. I've gotta... I've gotta do something.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

My dog's gone.

Yeah. Gone. I put her in my room so she'd stop freaking me out by staring at the door. I went to my room to get some sleep, because I had to get my mind off all this, and she wasn't there. I searched around the house and still couldn't find her. I have this uneasy feeling. Like... I don't know. I can't explain it. I doubt I'm going to be able to sleep tonight, though. With this combination of worry and fear, sleep tonight just isn't happening. If anyone has any questions for me, just leave a comment or something. Honestly, I'll be here all night.

Took the time

So, I got the chance to read up on "Slender Man". Honestly, reading the stories about it and seeing pictures of it made me even more unsettled. Not to mention thetreeswatch's latest post. I'm going to spend the night reading up on this and getting as much info on it as I can.

I think I saw it again. It might have just been my imagination. I'm not sure. I lost sight of it too quick to get a picture of it. I might just keep my camera around with me at all times, just in case.

If anyone could give me more information on this... thing, I'd really appreciate it.

I really doubt this essay is gonna get done tonight.

The Faceless

Close encounters are one of their favorite things. Drives you crazy, insane, inanimate. They are trees, merely evolved. Or maybe devolved. I don't know. He lacks the weakness of the others, which they took on for self preservation. Never continuously look at his face, never, don't try to find eyes, nor any defining features. For I am afraid your search will come up with no results.

You've felt it, felt the magnetic pull his face seems to have, felt your inability to pull away, to run, to scream, to think. He takes you, back to the trees, who can only watch in silence, unmoving, unbreathing, unstarting, unstopping, unroving, unloving.

He is fear. He is the chill of terror down your back, the hairs on your neck standing on end, the trembling you feel resonating through your body. He is trouble you do not want, a tree that must be cut down, yes. Run, run and look back, don't take your eyes off of him, do not remain in your home for too long, he knows it's location, run, run from the forests, The Faceless, your parents, friend, everyone. Trust no one, in a world where he walks, I am the only one that can be trusted, the only guiding voice keeping your inner mind working, yes, I.



Thanks, Stephen, for making me aware of this "Slender Man" thing. I didn't have enough time to read up on it, but I got the chance to look at some pictures, and it looks fairly similar to what I've seen. When I get the chance, I'll look more into it. But for now, I gotta get to work. Essay isn't going to write itself.

Just a quick update, I haven't seen it since last night, but I had this odd feeling as I slept. Like if I were to open my eyes, I'd see it standing at the side of my bed. Suffice to say, it was not a good night.

Oh yeah, and thank you "thetreeswatch" for yet another cryptic post.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Yes, yes, light, he stays away from the light, as much as he may try to hide it. Remains in the shadows, always leering, jeering, steering. Unflinching, unrelenting, unmoving, unliving. Or maybe reliving. Impossible to say, hides the truth from the light. Uses the mist as a veil, the night, the shadows, darting just outside of reality, outside of sanity.

Never stop watching him, even to blink, always watch, always think, always move, always cruise. Always. Never stop, never. Madness, insanity, truth. Three sides of the same coin.

You have seen him, the chase has begun, you are a target, he wishes to remain unseen, unheard, unknown, but you have broken that peace. Can't stop us, eyes always open, never closing, staring at him, forcing him into darkness. The second you move your eyes, blink, gone, poof, bye.

But is it he that is running... or we from him? Constantly in motion, always looking, always watching, always living. Hiding in plain sight, in the only protection we have.

Light. Vision. Never stop, never.


I saw it again tonight. But this time... it seemed different. I managed to get another picture of it, in the short time it was there. I haven't seen it at all between now and the first time. Both times it seemed to be watching me.

There also seems to be someone else posting on this blog. "thetreeswatch". I don't know who this is, but they seem like they have some sort of knowledge as to what's going on. I'm hoping they can shed some light on this situation.


The trees watch. They watch from above, below, forwards, backwards, diagonally. You don't notice, look into their souls, see them for what they are. They don't want you to, they eliminated the chance of it long ago.

Never try to find their eyes, it leads to madness, madness to knowledge, knowledge to truth, truth to him. He leads to fear, terror, pain.

You are driving down a road, he stands, watching, leering, never moving, never breathing, never starting. Never starting.

Never stop, don't think about it, just keep moving. But always watch him, never take your eyes off of him, for that way leads to lies, deceit.

I watch, close to you, protecting, never stopping, eyes never closing, never sleeping. I keep the voice inside your head running, always running, always running. Very close to you, unseen, behind a thin veil.

The chase begins a new, the sickness begins to thrive, but he cannot face you. He is one of them, one of the trees, never look into his soul, never let you, never.

He watches.

I saw something...

I doubt anyone will read this, but me writing about it makes me feel a bit better. A couple days ago, I saw something strange. Something... Human-like. I stood there, in the safety of my house, staring out my window at it for at least five minutes. And it just stood there. Staring back at me. I was transfixed. Almost... hypnotized. I couldn't look away. I somehow managed to pull myself away long enough to get a picture of it.

There's only one thing bugging me right now...
What the hell is this?