Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm staying.

For now, anyways. Out of curiosity and necessity if nothing else. If what you guys said was true, and this "Der Grobman" is actually Slender Man, then Isaac knows something. I'm going to ask him about it tomorrow, if I get the chance. I'm also staying because I really have no place else to go. He was pretty much my last resort. My family is a whole province away, and I can't go there because I still have school to worry about. So I'm stuck with Isaac for now.

But rest assured if I find out he's on the wrong side, I'll get all the info I can and go back to my own place. It'd be better than staying with him.


  1. How do you plan on getting rid of Slendy? So far there has been nothing known that can stop him. So this begs the question, how much time do you really have left?

  2. Can you get us a picture of the sheet in German? I speak a little and can probably translate some and I'm sure I can find others who can translate more.

  3. I can't imagine that something so connected to Slendy would like itself being photographed...

  4. Also, what kind of German are we talking about here?

  5. If this is legitimate, buy yourself a deagle and a Katana... then head back to your house and wait... try hitting slendy from a window, and if that does not work run at him with the katana singing Safety Dance

  6. well i nkow a bit about der grobbman. It is a kind of fairy or etheral entity which is neutral in nature, but its a guradian of law, its said that when you do something bad he will get you. Maybe you heard of the willow men too? they are similiar but act more slendy( as in they tend to hide and lurk) and act in grups

  7. You have to think. Your mind and your instincts are your most dangerous weapons at this point.

    What do tree's hate? Fire. Get a small blowtorch or something else like it immediately. Keep it on your at all times.

  8. Keep the lights on. Thetreeswatch said that he does not light.

  9. Never rely entirely on artificial light sources. Make sure you have candles or fire of some sort. I can not stress this enough.

  10. Fire will not necessarily help. Sorry for repeatedly refuting your advice, but I've seen this happen too many times. There are accounts of Slenderman coming down a burning chimney. This was found in an old folktale, I think it was Bavarian. And Slenderman has been described to smell like burning matches.
