Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I saw it again tonight. But this time... it seemed different. I managed to get another picture of it, in the short time it was there. I haven't seen it at all between now and the first time. Both times it seemed to be watching me.

There also seems to be someone else posting on this blog. "thetreeswatch". I don't know who this is, but they seem like they have some sort of knowledge as to what's going on. I'm hoping they can shed some light on this situation.


  1. Mysterious internet entities may not be the most trustworthy of bedfellows. That said, let me be a mysterious internet entity for a moment and say: I've seen several accounts (veracity unknown) from others out there who have seen a figure very similar to the one(s?) in your photos. Be careful.

  2. It's name is Slenderman, to my knowledge.

    It's objectives are unknown, but many who see it dissapear.

    Please be careful from now on.
