Saturday, January 2, 2010

I asked Isaac to take me on one of his walks yesterday. I wasn't expecting him to take me, but to my surprise, he did. It's funny what paranoia makes you think. I always thought he went into the middle of the forest to worship some sort of demon king. Instead, he just goes to this clearing in the forest to think. Though, he might have just been doing this to lead me into thinking he's a normal guy. But I guess I'll never know for sure. Anyways, me and Isaac had another talk about Slender Man last night. Nothing too new. More like a review than anything. That's not the important thing.

We saw a man in a white suit walking through the forest last night. He greatly resembled the entity I've been seeing lately. I tried to get a picture, but my camera and my phone stopped working. Isaac and I stood there watching him for maybe a few minutes before he disappeared into the trees. We figured it'd be a bad idea to go after him, seeing how we know so little about what's going on.

After standing in silence for a few minutes after the man disappeared, we headed back to the house, not a word said until we got there. I figured then would be a better time than any to tell Isaac about what had been going on. I told him that Slender Man has been following me for a little over a month now. I showed him the blog. He didn't act totally surprised. I don't know if he knew or not, but he said he'd at least like to get involved in it, so he's going to be using his Twitter to help us out a bit. I'd suggest taking a look at it every now and then. He might have more to add than I do in these blog posts.

So far I haven't found any information on this man in white. The biggest lead I have right now is the legend. Now seems like a good time to scan that and put it up.


  1. Devon, you're free to take this advice, or leave it. But paranoia is a helluva thing. DON'T let it suck you in. If you followed that man, you might not still be posting in this blog. If you are going to do something crazy, get more people to come, and if they can't, just don't go. Issac sounds like a great friend, but i'd be cautious. He might know more about Slender Man than he lets on. Just my two cents.

  2. Antti-Slenderman ?

  3. Devon just watch your back dude. His twitter suggests he's at peace with slendy. Not a safe thing considering his penchant for murder.

  4. I would watch out for where Isaac takes you and his choice of words. He doesn't seem...right.

    As for the man in white. A tall man in a total white suit? Reminds me of a cultist. Think of this. What if there's a 'Slender cult'. A cult dedicated to the human side of the Slenderman?

    Me and a friend discussed it after reading this post. He said a lot of times, in ancient civilizations, cults mimicked their patron saint. Some took it as far as to reverse their image and represent the mortal side to these 'god like figures'.

    His logic is that tall men stalking around the forest could be a cult to the Slender Man. They dress in white to show their mortal difference to the Black of slender man.

    I think it's a viable idea, but, you should still keep a look out regardless.

    Remember, just as your blog title says. Always look back.

  5. This cult idea intrigues me. It would certainly explain some of the things that have been happening, and not just to Devon.
    Keep an eye on Isaac. I'm certain you won't be the only one doing that.
